What Is WordPress Pharma Hack and How Can You Fix It?

WordPress Pharma

No one likes being hacked, least of all being the victim of a WordPress pharma hack. There’s no warning for such hacks either, and your WordPress site is possibly defaced or filled with external redirects to other sites with malware. Pharma hacks usually appear in the form of links to sites that sell illegal medications, … Read more

What is MySQL Database? and its Pros & Cons

what is mysql? and mysql pros and cons

In this post, I will explain to you what is MySQL Database? and How it works? and MySQL pros and cons. MySQL is a free open-source relational database management system. It is widely used nowadays all over the world alternate to SQL. MySQL is the modernized way to add, delete, and modify information in the … Read more

PostX Review: Gutenberg Post Block Plugin For WordPress

postx review

[no_toc] Most bloggers face many struggles in displaying the right post to their audience. That means the bloggers will depend on WordPress builders and many plugins to make their Home page attractive but the builders and plugins are costly and also bloated cause website loads to slow which will affect the ranking of your website … Read more