How to Set Up a Paperless Business Form in WordPress

Paperless Business Forms for WordPress are the best solution to form-based tasks such as customer inquiries and requests for proposals. This is because they can be easily created using the WordPress platform. Paperless Business Forms are basically forms that can be created and printed without having to go through the tedious process of designing, formatting, … Read more

Disabling the Language Switcher on WordPress Login Screen

We are all using the WordPress login screen to login into our WordPress blogs and websites. We can see it under the log-in button where we type in our username and password. If you are not happy with the English language that you are using, you can use another language. But, what if you want … Read more

The Ultimate Guide To Adding or Removing Space Between WordPress Blocks

WordPress blocks can be styled in many ways. They can have different backgrounds, borders, padding, text alignments, and fonts. They can also be set apart by blank space. This article discusses the options available and how to add and remove blank space between blocks. Blank space between blocks is common in WordPress. Many websites have … Read more