What is RSS Feed in WordPress?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, but it also means Rich Site Summary or Real-Time Simple Syndication. It is often referred to as feed or news feed. In the early days, if you want to keep track of updates to your favorite website, you have to keep a bookmark and manually you need to go visit the website to check the updates. Would it be good if your favorite website gives you the updates?. Yes, RSS exactly does this. It is an XML-based content format that updates the user on the latest news, articles, headlines, and content from all their favorite websites.

It allows the users to keep track of the updates without manually visiting their favorite websites. It can be read by programs such as “RSS reader”, feed reader“ or “aggregator” which can be web-based, mobile based and desktop-based. RSS reader is mainly of two types Feedly and Signing off. There is few best RSS feed WordPress plugins. They are Category-specific RSS feed subscription, RSS post importer, Feedzy RSS feeds, WP RSS aggregator, RSS with images, Feed WordPress, Disable feeds, RSS includes pages, Continuous RSS scrolling.

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5 thoughts on “What is RSS Feed in WordPress?”

  1. This is William. I love working with WordPress and am passionate about it. I like to keep updating myself on WordPress. Initially, there was a problem to keep track of updates of any favorite site, you need to keep a bookmark and manually visit the website to check its updates. But RSS feed breaks that rule. And this article is completely about RSS is really a useful information for everyone. Your article is really nice and simple. Keep updating posts like this.

  2. Hi Prabhu,
    This post is good. But more could be covered to complete this article there are thousands of blog on these topics which cover every aspect of RSS feed. you could have much more given a detailed description about RSS feed and how to use it and all stuff. But nothing wrong, keep posting useful informative. Thankyou

  3. Hello
    I have a question and like your advice.
    I would like to achieve the following, not sure what is needed.
    1. RSS feeds to Post (I will subscribe to a few RSS feeds and the feeds will be converted into WP posts)
    2. When the user clicks on my post, it will display an ad for 10 seconds before it will be redirected to the original URL in the RSS feeds.

  4. Thank you for your article. I have one problem. I use the feed of another website and show it on my website. At first, everything was fine but the problem is that when the source website post new article it would not show on my website. Their RSS is updated but I think my website made a Cach of RSS and it does not check updated RSS. Can you help me?

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