Add RSS Sitemap in WordPress:How To Using AIO SEO Plugin

Have you heard of RSS? RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. In the context of web design, it’s a way to subscribe to specific feeds from websites and get updates in real-time.

RSS sitemaps are used to enable RSS readers to locate all the links within your blog and site for their users. It is used to add or update content on your website in real-time.

RSS Feeds are a good way to keep track of the news you read online. You can subscribe to them and get an alert when a new article comes out. This is useful if you want to follow the latest articles without having to visit each site every time you want to see what’s new. RSS feeds allow you to subscribe to news from different sources, such as blogs, online magazines, and other websites.

You can also use RSS feeds to share interesting articles and blog posts on social media. The FeedBurner RSS feed adds your new posts automatically, and it also generates an RSS sitemap. In order to improve your site’s search engine ranking, you should add an RSS sitemap. This article shows how to add an RSS sitemap to the WordPress pages.

RSS Sitemaps allow you to have your posts show up in the feed reader of your choice. You can create them manually, but it can be a pain. So we’ve created a plugin that makes it really easy.

What is RSS Sitemap?

RSS sitemap is a method of showing the contents of a website. It helps search engines to crawl through your website’s pages and index them. RSS allows users to keep track of news articles from different sources, such as online news services or websites.  

The sitemap helps Google spiders find all your pages and build a proper index of your site.  It helps users navigate your site and find what they are looking for. If you’re hosting a blog, WordPress comes with one built-in called RSS Sitemap. This RSS Sitemap is located in wp-includes/rss.php and it contains links to all the pages in your blog.

RSS Sitemap is efficient compared to the traditional XML Sitemap because it contains only the most recent updates of your website. But for optimal crawling, Google recommends you to use both XML and RSS Sitemap.

How to add RSS Sitemap in WordPress Using AIO SEO Plugin?

One of the best and easiest ways to add RSS Sitemap in WordPress is by using the All in one SEO(AIO SEO) plugin. This plugin is used worldwide and is quite familiar in the WordPress market.

An All-in-one SEO plugin for RSS feed that enables you to generate an RSS feed from your website’s content or feed. With this plugin, you can easily publish your content on your website. With this plugin, you can add a simple button on every page that will allow the visitor to add an RSS feed for that page to their RSS reader or aggregator.

An All one SEO plugin is a single plugin for SEO purposes. It includes all features of SEO such as Keyword Research, Meta Tags, Title Tag, Description Tag, Content Optimization, Image Optimization, Google Analytics, XML Sitemap Generator, XML Sitemap Uploader, Social Bookmarking, Social Media Sharing, etc.

This plugin creates a Google feed for all of the posts on your site. It works with RSS and Atom feeds. This AIO SEO plugin is available in both free as well as premium versions. The premium version comes with advanced features.

Let’s see how to add RSS Sitemap using the All in One SEO plugin

First and foremost, install and activate the AIO SEO plugin from the WordPress repository. 

Once the plugin is activated, it will lead you to the guided setup wizard. This will help you set up all the right settings.

In order to enable the RSS sitemap in WordPress, navigate to AIOSEO>>Sitemaps settings page and then click the ‘RSS Sitemap’ tab.

Then you have to just toggle the ‘Enable Sitemap’ option.

That’s it, RSS Sitemap is successfully added to your WordPress website. Then you can just click the ‘Open RSS Sitemap’ button to view the look of RSS Sitemap.

An alternative way is just to follow the below link:

If you have enabled it, then just submit the RSS Sitemap in Google Search Console.

As shown in the above screenshot, Google will read the RSS Sitemap faster compared to the XML Sitemap.

This is the main reason to use RSS Sitemap overcoming the traditional XML Sitemap.


If you are searching for a plugin that can help you add the RSS Sitemap in WordPress using AIO SEO, then this is the right plugin for you. This plugin will allow you to add an RSS Sitemap to your website by using its own sitemap generator. This sitemap generator will generate a sitemap automatically when you save a post or page.

This plugin is the best choice if you have an existing website and you want to add an RSS feed to it. Using this plugin you can add an RSS Feed on a single post, page, category, tag, author, date, featured image, etc. The best part about this plugin is that it has support for over 100+ news and blog sites, which means you don’t have to worry about the feeds.

You can also use this plugin to create a customized sitemap which you can then share with your readers through email and social media. AIO SEO is the first plugin to add IndexNow support to speed up the SEO result.

Hope you got an idea of how to add RSS Sitemap in WordPress. If you have any queries or suggestions please feel free to comment. Your comments are valuable to improving our blog post. 


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